Thomas Etty Seeds – Heritage Seeds & Bulbs Supplier UK

East Malling Trust Estate, New Road, East Malling, Kent, ME19 6BJ

+44 (0) 01460 298249

Thomas Etty Seeds
– Heritage Seedsman & Bulbs Merchant.
Supplier of Heritage Seeds & Bulbs, bespoke seed goods for the Period Garden. You can buy heritage varieties seeds from Thomas Etty at

Products :

  • Vegetable & Flower Seeds : Vegetable & Flower, Wild Flower
  • Flowering Bulbs : Heritage Flowering Bulbs, Daffodil, Tulip, Hyacinth and Crocus.
  • Gift Boxes

Thomas Etty Seeds

Address :
Room 1.15, The Oast Building,
East Malling Trust Estate,
New Road, East Malling,
Kent, ME19 6BJ
Phone : +44 (0) 01460 298249, 07785 777341
Email : sales[at]
[at] = @
Website :

Home Gardening UK

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