Ronald Fletcher Baker LLP – Ronald Fletcher Baker Solicitors

326 Old Street, London EC1V 9DR, United Kingdom

020 7613 1402 (City office London EC1V 9DR), 020 7467 5757 (West End office London W1U 6RF), 0161 694 4404 (Manchester office Manchester M1 2HY)

09:00 AM - 17:00 PM (Daily)

Ronald Fletcher Baker LLP

Ronald Fletcher Baker Solicitors is a Legal 500 full-service law firm with offices in the City, West End of London and Manchester. Offers expert advice for corporate, domestic and international legal services.

Services :

  1. Litigation and Dispute Resolution
  2. Commercial Property
  3. Corporate & Commercial
  4. Property Litigation
  5. Residential Conveyancing
  6. Lease extensions and enfranchisement
  7. Employment
  8. Sports Law
  9. Mediation
  10. Media and Copyright
  11. Ronald Fletcher Baker Istanbul
  12. Advising Russian, Ukrainian and CIS companies and individuals
  13. Advising Iranian individuals and companies
  14. Financial Fraud and White Collar Crime
  15. Criminal Litigation
  16. Extradition and Mutual Assistance
  17. Professional Discipline
  18. Regulatory Law
  19. Family Department (divorce law, family law, Divorce and Separation)
  20. Wills & Probate

Ronald Fletcher Baker LLP

Ronald Fletcher Baker LLP Address :

City office
Ronald Fletcher Baker LLP
326 Old Street, London EC1V 9DR
DX: 137773 Finsbury 5
Phone : 020 7613 1402
Fax : 020 7613 2711

West End office
Ronald Fletcher Baker LLP
77A Baker Street, London W1U 6RF
DX: 42722 Oxford Circus North
Phone : 020 7467 5757
Fax : 020 7467 5758

Manchester office
Ronald Fletcher Baker LLP
111 Piccadilly, Manchester M1 2HY
DX: 6967003 Manchester 94 M
Phone : 0161 694 4404
Fax : 0161 638 0930

Opening Hours :
09:00 AM – 17:00 PM (Daily)

Phone : 020 7613 1402 (City office London EC1V 9DR), 020 7467 5757 (West End office London W1U 6RF), 0161 694 4404 (Manchester office Manchester M1 2HY)
Website : | Facebook

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