Real Seeds Company UK – Real Seed Catalogue Wales

Newport, Pembrokeshire, Wales, UK


01239 821107

The Real Seed Catalogue / The Real Seed Collection Ltd
A family owned business – a small farm in Wales. Real Seeds is one of the best places to order organic vegetable seeds online in the UK. Real Seed only supply Real, Open Pollinated seed. No Hybrids & no GM seed.

– UK Company No. 5924934
– DEFRA Inspected Seed Merchant No. 7289

Products :
(Vegetable Seeds)

  1. Aubergines
  2. Beans – French
  3. Beans – Runner
  4. Beans – Unusual
  5. Beetroot
  6. Broad Beans
  7. Broccoli & Rapini
  8. Brussels Sprouts
  9. Cabbage
  10. Cauliflower
  11. Carrots
  12. Celery, & Celeriac
  13. Chicory
  14. Chilli Peppers
  15. Courgettes & Summer Squash
  16. Cucumbers
  17. Cucumber Relatives
  18. Fennel
  19. Flowers
  20. Fungi
  21. Grains
  22. Herbs
  23. Kale
  24. Kohl Rabi
  25. Leaf Greens for Cooking
  26. Leeks
  27. Lettuces
  28. Lupins (Altramuz)
  29. Melons & Watermelons
  30. Mustard Greens (for cooking)
  31. Okra (Gumbo)
  32. Onions – normal
  33. Onions – special types
  34. Oriental Greens for cooking & salads
  35. Parsnips, Root Chicory & Root Parsley
  36. Peas
  37. Pumpkins & Winter Squash
  38. Radishes (salad, & cooking types)
  39. Salad Vegetables
  40. Sweet Corn
  41. Swedes
  42. SweetPeppers
  43. Tomatoes: Bush Types
  44. Tomatoes: Vines – Cherries
  45. Tomatoes: Vines – Larger
  46. Tomatilloes & Groundcherries
  47. Turnips
  48. Unusual Tubers: Oca & Yacon

Delivery :
Minimum Order is £8 + P&P
More details here.

Address :
The Real Seed Catalogue /
The Real Seed Collection Ltd.
Real Seeds,
PO Box 18, Newport near Fishguard,
Pembrokeshire, Wales.
Phone : 01239 821107
Email : [email protected]
[at] = @
Website : | Facebook | Instagram

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