Slater and Gordon (UK) LLP
Slater and Gordon Lawyers – one of the UK’s well known largest law firms with expert Solicitors in locations across England, Scotland and Wales. Offers affordable legal services in personal, employment and business affairs.
Practice Areas / Services :
- Personal Injury Law
- Asbestos Compensation
- Cycling Accident Compensation Claims
- Military Accident Claims
- Road Traffic Accidents
- Accidents & Injury at Work
- Holiday Accidents and Illnesses Abroad Claims
- Sports Injury Claims
- Accidents in Public Places
- Clinical & Medical Negligence
- Anaesthetic Awareness Claims
- Cancer Claims
- Accident & Emergency (A&E) Compensation Claims
- Medical Negligence Claims
- Dental Negligence Claims
- Cosmetic Surgery Claims
- Birth Injury Claims
- Employment Law
- Personal and Family Law
- Divorce Law
- Child Custody (Children Law)
- Civil Partnerships
- Cohabitation Agreements
- Collaborative Family Law
- Family Mediation
- Wills, Trusts, Tax and Probate
- Domestic Violence
- Business Legal Services
- Group and Specialist Litigation
Address :
Slater and Gordon (UK) LLP
50-52 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1HL, United Kingdom.
Phone : 020 7657 1555, 0808 175 8000
DX: 202 London/Chancery Lane
Other offices in Newcastle, Manchester, Ashton-Under Lyne, Liverpool, Chester, Birmingham, Sheffield, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Cambridge, Milton Keynes, Preston, Wakefield and Wrexham.
Website : www.slatergordon.co.uk
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